Feeling Merry & Bright!






A whimsical holiday treat – little shadow boxes!

I hope you enjoy these little boxes of merriment as much as I do. There are several sizes to choose from (limited production, so once they are gone, …they’re gone). The last little box is small enough to fit on a bedside table or on a window ledge – it’s only 3 1/2 inches wide. After you remove the lid, you can use it as a snowy presentation stand!

These are all available now in our store.

The art of working with paper


I love working with paper. I can’t do anything else when I’m working on a Papier Mâché project – my hands are too gunky and I don’t want any of my precious water-glue solution to evaporate. It’s the perfect escape from all of my “screens.” The other thing I love about working with Papier Mâché – you simply can’t rush it. You have to be patient and let the base layer dry before removing it from the mold. These projects have become a form of meditation for me and I am so happy to share them with you. There’s a long and delightful process that comes with making these little bowls:

1) sourcing the patterns (I’ve been saving patterns for years!)
2) Initial application and placement of the base pattern. (I sometimes cut out images to make a more desirable design).
3) layering the sides and building up the base – to make a solid bowl. I also use Japanese newspaper to make the base (It’s a great excuse to stop by the shopping center in Japan town). My 4 year old always askes me “you went all the way to Japan today?!”
4) Last step – painting the edges and bottom (and sometimes the sides if I’m not pleased with the layout).

If you’re interested in the possibility of attending a workshop, please let me know!

It’s Fall!


We’re excited for Fall! It seems like every year during this time, we feel the need to break out our Washoku book. It’s a great reminder to be thankful for everything that Mother Earth has to offer. What’s Washoku? oh, you should get the book! There are too many details for us to describe. Here’s a link to the book we have via Amazon. There’s also a vegetarian version here

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